Hi there…

I’m a Christian Author, Speaker, Teacher, Podcaster and Dreamer of Response-able Living. My obsession is empowering women to create better life stories, one interaction at a time! 


The first step in living a Response-able Lifestyle is to take a serious look at yourself in the mirror. Take this 5-day challenge to start seeing a whole new you!

You can also tune into the Response-able Living Podcast.

A live workshop-style podcast where Denise entertains living a Response-able Life Style… Listen on the go or grab a beverage and sit, relax, and enjoy wherever you are.

The Response-able Woman Retreat....


A three-day event to transform a woman’s daily walk and talk so she can express more of her valuable gifts, talents, and personality into the world.


Women tend to take all their roles in life seriously: wife, mother, homemaker, grandmother, caregiver, maybe a writer, speaker, or leader for a group. We give it our all, whatever role or goals we have in our hearts. Yet right now, the world has distractions

The event gives you the insight and practical tools to overcome the I am stuck feeling once and for all. Instaed, you learn the mindset and skillset to intentionally walk and talk to create a better life story for yourself, your family, and the world! By the endo fthe three days, our goal is for you to leave as a response-able woman on a mission to live the empowering life you imagine. 


Who is the Response-able Woman?

 She intentionally expresses her goodness into the world because she reacts less and responds more to what matters most. 

She is on a mission to influence better life stories, one interaction at a time. 


What is Response-able Living?

Response-able Living is approaching each day with an intention to strengthen key relationships and circumstances in your life.  Though life is lived out one day at a time, more importantly, your life story is created one interaction at a time. And, the quality of your story depends on the quality of your interactions.  

About Me

Empowering parents and teachers to engage in Response-able Youth Interactions
Hi, my name is Denise Forrest. I am the author, mentor, and leader of Response-able Youth Interactions. Thanks for stopping by.

Imagine if you will…

A world where our younger people are surrounded by adults who clearly understand how to interact in ways that strengthen the youth’s personal development… Teachers and parents confidently working together to help the youth to create an empowering life story… Friends, this vision inspires me to keep doing the work I do. There are few things more thrilling than to witness a better life story in the making!

Over thirty years ago, I came to the realization that if children are not moving forward in their personal development, they are likely moving backward.

And, the only way to impact a child’s personal development is by interacting with them. It’s the interactions we have with others and with ourselves that accumulate to sculpt a life story.

Hi! I am Denise Forrest


Yet, many of us aren’t giving our daily interactions much thought. We may stop and ponder about an exchange when something extremely good happens, or extremely bad, or something unexpected occurs. Otherwise, most of us tend to go from one interaction to the next, not thinking even once about the messages being spoken or heard.

Since 1984, I have been trying to figure out how to interact and positively influence the youth’s personal development. I also have wondered how parents and teachers might interact differently if they were consciously aware of the power behind their words and actions.

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